Prusa Slicer v2 Personal Heatbed Image and Printer-Frame
02-11-2020 Prusa Bear Layouts added 18-09-2020 added an additional Caribou heatbed-layout as well as CARIBOU Frame, just follow the simple steps shown in one of the pics. Looking for information what a Caribou is about ? Site Web : Facebook (German): Facebook (English): EDIT : PLEASE LEAVE YOUR HEADBED IMAGES/PICTURES IN THE COMMENTS or 'POST A MAKE' - FIELD :-) ------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 2 : since Version 2.01 changing the heatbed image is super simpel and done by a few clicks inside PrusaSlicer, just follow these steps -> Tab Printer Settings -> General -> Bed Shape Set -> Textur - Load ... and choose the image - thats all ! -------------------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING TEXT HERE IS OLD AND ACTUALLY NOT NECESSARY ANYMORE : Is it possible to change the foreground layout of the displayed heatbed in PrusaSlicer v2 ? Yes it is and it is simple too. My findings, The Heatbed is beeing displayed by combining two files. Finding 1) Inside folder ...\resources\models\ the backgound image of the heatbed as an stl file format Finding 2) The foreground (Lines/text/etc.) is within Folder ...\resources\icons\bed\ as an SVG File format. As my printers are based on the mk3s my PrusaSlicer profile is pointing out to mk3 configuration. I did some changes on the mk3.svg File (original named by using Inkscape. After a restart of PrusaSlicer the new foreground is diplayed :-) I included some layouts in the zip file. Actually I only tested Windows PS-Version v2.0.0 and it works on the mac version too. Just replace the svg file by one of the included files. I've included only mk3 layouts and tested them. To redo this on your PrusaSlicer just do the following : - locate your mk3.svg - replace it by one of the zip-file - rename the svg-file from the zip to mk3.svg (mk3 Slicer Profile) - start PrusaSlicer - and smile :-) Thanks Prusa Team for the latest version of PrusaSlicer ! Regards