Tardis Siege Mode

Tardis Siege Mode


Found a cool siege mode Tardis model on thingiverse but the base wasn't flat and the geometry was high density, messy and super hard to work with. So I downloaded a template from here: http://papermau.blogspot.com/2015/01/doctor-who-siege-mode-tardis-paper.html and modelled a cleaner version. You should print at 100% scale with the minimum 0.4mm nozzle dimension at 0.2mm layer thickness. Supports are only required for the bottom 4 notches on the edges, the midsection notches on the edges seemed to print fine without supports (I forgot to add some so I maybe cant hurt to add support there). The vertical details don't require supports but if upscaling the model you may need to support those details. Downscaling the model any further will cause a loss of details from the small rings and will require a smaller nozzle diameter to keep those details. Make sure to check the print preview if messing with nozzle sizes and scales.






