MK3S Extruder for Mosquito Hotend and MMU2S
This is a remix of the BMG clone made by Marco Zambon slightly adapted to be used with a Mosquito Hotend. Also there is a special cover and lever to be used with the new IR sensor and MMU2S. If you don't use MMU2 take the lever from the Marco Zambon thing: **Note:** if you are using an E3D V6 and MMU2 my sensor cover and lever can be used with Marco Zambon extruder and the V6 hotend. A good X-Axis to be used with this extruder is: **You need:** ------------------- To use this extruder with Mosquito hotend you need to print all the stl (choose only one cover) included here and: 1. The provided adaptor v6 to Mosquito (print it without supports). 2. A PTFE tube of 22.35mm length (I'm using it not chamfered). 3. An additional M3x16 screw to secure below part of extruder better, a new screw hole has been added. **Optional:** --------------- If you need a Silicone sock I have used these links: and to make one myself. **Updates:** ------------------ 2019/05/28: Added my own V6 to Mosquito adaptor, it can be printed without supports. 2019/05/29: Improved MMU2 covers, lever and fan shroud. 2019/05/31: + Added a new extruder body, the IR hole has been removed to improve the filament path. Only to be used with MMU2S. + The sensor cover now has two parts to fine tune the IR sensor position relative to the lever, with a bolt (M3x5) to secure it. + Added a sensor cover to use PC4-M10, the other is compatible with the Prusa one, PC4-M5. + Added a IR sensor cover with hole for the LED mod (I have used this 3mm LED: + Added a hole for zip tie on back sensor cover to secure the IR sensor cable. + Added a nub to V6 Mosquito adaptor to prevent twists better (the nub has to face towards mosquito logo), so nozzles can be changed with one hand. + New Extruder front with the nub hole (changed the text to BMG). 2019/06/02: Improved MMU2S sensor cover and IR cover. 2019/06/03: + Changed the thread insert by a square nut. + Improved slighly the filament path on MMU2 extruder body. + Recovered the original shape of extruder front to use other fan ducts. 2019/06/05: + Improved fan shroud + Added an improved blower fan arm 2019/06/12: + Improved Extruder Front to prevent Mosquito Extruder oscillate vertically. **Please download and print this file as soon as possible if you are using this extruder**. 2019/06/13: + Added square nuts for the sensor cover (only MMU2 body) and *custom support*. 2019/06/14: + Added a new MMU2S extruder body, the PTFE tube inserts to bondtech gears. You need a PTFE tube 17mm longer. + Added X Carrriage for MMU2S bodies. 2019/07/30: Improved slightly the MMU2 sensor covers. 2019/08/31: Added a zip file with a small modification on front to be used with my Zaribo Linear Rails 15x15: 2019/09/01: 1) Added a square nut to secure better the up_sensor parts. 2) Improved the IR covers. 2019/10/14: Modified front and body files (I have appened the v2 suffix): 1) Added a square nut (bottom screw) to join stronger front and body extruder parts. 2) PINDA support reinforced. 3) Front improved to grip better Mosquito Extruder. Also I have added the fan shroud used by BondTech (print it using supports to build plate). 2019/10/16: 1) Modified front and body files v2 to support Mosquito Magnum. 2) Improved slightly Sensor_Cover_PC4-M5_MMU2_up and Sensor_Cover_PC10-M5_MMU2_up. **2019/12/30:** Modified front and body files (I have appened the v3 suffix): 1) Two versions (insertion thread or nut) 2) Filament path now is 2.2mm (before was 2mm), so easier filament insertion when using MMU2S. 3) Added an extruder indicator (you need a 7x3mm magnet)