microscope adjustable stand

microscope adjustable stand


This is a hight adjustable stand for a usb microscope . The total hight with the optional rubber foot is 230mm . If you found this design very helpful or otherwise wish to support me ,you can buy me a cup of coffee ( helps keeping the brain active so i can create new stuff ) ;-) ,then please consider using this link : <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Mb1vZjXUG" target="_blank"><img src="https://bmc-cdn.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/BMC-button-images/custom_images/black_img.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a> What you need to assemble this is : 1 pcs m5 x 12mm hex cap head bolt 1 pcs m5 nut 2 pcs Ballbearing 8x16x5mm The arm that holds the microscope has to be inserted first in the middle of the tower ,it has to go in with one side first and then the other can be pushed in ,insert then the lower ballbearing , then insert the rubber spacer plate in the back and then insert the spindel rod ,remember the ballbearing in the top piece before before pushing it in the tower :-) . The rubber foot and the rubber spacer plate were made from NinjaFlex , the rest is normal Pla . The usb microscope you can get here : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Vastar-Mega-Pixels-500X-1000X-1600X-8-LED-Digital-USB-Microscope-Microscopio-Magnifier-Electronic-Stereo-USB/32861880407.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.1.19ee7827HHYrNB&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_6_10065_10068_319_10059_10884_317_10887_10696_321_322_10084_453_10083_454_10103_10618_10304_10307_10820_10821_537_10302_536,searchweb201603_53,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=e6c58f0a-f9c7-44e2-9062-a73050aa8a44-0&algo_pvid=e6c58f0a-f9c7-44e2-9062-a73050aa8a44&transAbTest=ae803_5






