Rope Pull Handle - Pull Start Handle

Rope Pull Handle - Pull Start Handle


I recently installed an attic pull down ladder which came with a small cheap handle to pull the ladder down. I designed this beefier pull handle. The rope for the ladder feeds through the middle of the handle and is tied into a knot which is trapped inside the tapered hole through the middle of the handle. This handle can be used for other rope pull applications such as the start handle for a lawn mower's gas engine or the pull handle on a pole type tree trimmer. I suggest printing this handle in ABS at 50% density or better. It must be printed with supports in the orientation provided. I used para-cord for my rope. The hole is perfect for para-cord and a single knot fits inside the tapered hole in the handle. I suggest sealing the ends of the rope by heating it with a lighter to keep the rope from fraying.



