Extendable funnel for vase mode

Extendable funnel for vase mode


# Extendable funnel for vase mode This is project of self-watering flower pot printable in vase mode (single outline or spiralize). To print this, you are going to need wide nozzle, I used 0.8mm, which is sufficient. Wider nozzle will make the pot more sturdy, with this one it holds just fine. If you need flower pot for outdoor use, I strongly recommend to print this project with UV resistant filament like ASA. Print "tip" part once and "hat" part once. The funnel is 13cm wide and 37 cm long. Each "middle" part will extand it by 17cm. This is what your [Self watering pot for vase mode](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3657068) needed all along! If you like this project, follow me on [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/blue3dprint/)! Have fun gardening! *BEWARE, this is pretty long funnel. Your neighbors will envy you.*



