CR-10, CR-10s control box add-on for Raspberry Pi with 3,5" display, with Power Supply control and LED control

CR-10, CR-10s control box add-on for Raspberry Pi with 3,5" display, with Power Supply control and LED control


I'm glad to introduce to You some add-on case for control box of Creality3D CR-10s (or CR-10), designed for OpctoPI with PSU and LED control and Display. <b>Task list for this project:</b> - Install Raspberry Pi with LCD 3.5 touch-screen - Install TouchUI plugin - Install OctoPI with PSU control - Control PSU by OctoPI. If anything wrong happened - automatically Shutdown all printer Power supply by relay. Possible issues for shutting down: - Any heating error - Connection between Motherboard of printer and OctoPI lost (usb, or motherboard error) - Any power problems. If Power off, than Power on - printer stay Shutdown, till You come back. - Remote control by WiFi - Send tasks - Control print by WebCam - Power Off at any time - After Print is done power off after cooling - LED power supply and remote control - And anything what You can imagine with OctoPI, relay and 5v or 12v power supply in one box. <b>For this design i use this parts:</b> - Raspberry Pi 3+ - <a href="">LCD screen 3.5" for RPI</a> - <a href="">DC-DC 12v to 5v module</a> - <a href="">Relay 250V 10A module</a> - <a href="">Power connector for 12v supply</a> - 40x40x10 fan for RPI cooling - 60x60x25 fan for PSU cooling - <a href="">Some M3 bolts and nuts</a> BOLTS LIST: > 4xM3X30 - Addon fixation to Control Box body > 8xM3X10 & 8xM3 nuts - Feets and cable management brackets > 4xM3X10 - LCD screen cover installation > 4xM3X8 & 4xM3 nuts - Fixation between addon parts > 12xM3X6 - RPI, relay module and DC>DC module fixation > 4xM3X6 - RPI FAN > 4xM5X10 - PSU FAN > <b>IMPORTANT: Most bolts and nuts is M3. Prepare stock of this type of bolts, cause some dimensions can be different between Your and My installation</b> - RED power switch - External Power supply 12v 3A - Corner USB wires <a href="">For Control box connection to RPI</a> and <a href="">For RPI connection to power supply</a> and <a href="">One more for Control box connection to RPI (Adaptor)</a> <b>IMPORTANT:</b> - <b>All parts placed like they should be print</b> - <b>Power circut will be added soon.</b> <b>Simple instruction:</b> - Print all parts - Disassemble control box, remove lower panel - Disassemble PSU, remove lower panel. - Disassemble 60mm Fan from lower panel of PSU - Move 60mm fan to printed panel (or install new silent fan) - Install 40mm fan to printed body (near RPI) - Assemble Raspberry Pi to printed body eith 3,5" touchscreen (dont forget prepare and apply SD card before assembly) - Assemble relay module and DC-DC module with all wiring - Manage wiring - Connect 220v circut to relay - Connect 12v circut to relay - Check everything twice!!! - IMPORTANT!!! Connect 60mm fan back to PSU! - Fix PSU in Control Box without lower panel - Fix control box to printed body without lower panel



