Salt, pepper (and soy sauce) stand for example: Peugeot Daman, Kikkoman

Salt, pepper (and soy sauce) stand for example: Peugeot Daman, Kikkoman


Sorry to my roleplay followers, this one has nothing to do with our hobbies. I'll go back to that soon, though. These are two simple stands to avoid having salt and pepper on the counter. The surface is flat usually, I had an issue with my printer, causing the curling, you won't see the same. One stand offers a spot for soy sauce, one only has salt and pepper. The larger circles will fit up to about 6.6cm diameter, the smaller one 6.3. This works nicely for the Peugeot Daman salt and pepper mill with the 21cm and should fit many similar models. The sauce diameter fits the Kikkoman Soy sauce. The height of the model is intentionally low to save material and reduce optical impact.



