Customizable Label for Harbor Freight Apache Cases

Customizable Label for Harbor Freight Apache Cases


Customizable label for Apache Cases sold at Harbor Freight Tools. Fits all case sizes excluding the 1800. This is my first time using OpenSCAD to create a customizable model, so feedback and suggestions are welcome. Thingiverse Customizer supports Google Fonts which can be found here: To change the font, find one you like from the link and enter the name in the font field in Customizer. You can define a font style by using a colon after the font name. For example, if I wanted to use the font "Orbitron" with font style "Bold 700", I would enter "Orbitron:Bold 700". Alternatively, you can download the .scad file and change the parameters manually in OpenSCAD. This way, you can use any font that is stored on your computer and registered with OpenSCAD. If the text is too large and extends past the edges of the label, reduce the font size accordingly. You can also adjust the amount that the text will be embossed. The default is 1mm and it works quite well so I would recommend leaving it alone. The font I used for my labels seen in the photo is Courier New:bold. Unfortunately, this font is not available through Google Fonts. If you want to use it you will need customize with OpenSCAD and have the Courier New font installed on your computer.






