Wyze Sense Contact Mounts
These mounts are for the Wyze Cam Sense Contact sensors. (https://wyzecam.com) I purchase some of these senors, which work wonderfully. But in some cases, the foam mounting tape that comes with the sensors didn't work great. So I made these mounts for the sensors. There are several different options. The "V1" mount has the screw hole hidden in the bottom of the mount. The "V2" is the same, except it adds a little wing with an additional screw hole, in case the placement off the sensor is a bit offset from the door or frame, and the original screw hole wouldn't work. You can use a combination of either part of the V1 or V2 to fit your needs. There's also a collection of spacers for both parts of the sensor, in the cases where the door or frame may be a bit recessed and the sensor doesn't line up properly. There's also a mounting option for a garage door. The way this mount works is that you use the two part "hinge" mount to hold the sensor portion. This hing is mounted vertically, with the screw holes at the top. The magnet is mounted just below. When the garage door is closed (i.e. vertical position, the sensor hangs down near the magnet. As the garage door opens, and moves to the horizontal position, the sensor swings away from the door, breaking contact with the magnet. There are two small pieces (.4mm thick), just under the hinge portion where the swivel point is, that is there just to help with the printing. These pieces are meant to be snipped off after printing. (See image attached.) These should be just the right size so that the sensors parts are pressed fit into the mounts, and can be popped out for battery changing. You fit may differ depending on your printer. You can always use a piece of double sided tape to help hold them in the mounts, if needed.