KD310 Delta Arm
Did not find any good designs out there for magnetic effector arms using the KD310 magnetic joint system as found here. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32900515768.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.680b4c4dVFXBEt designed for 6mm thick Carbon Fiber arms, the KD310 series joint, and an m3x8 screw. use plenty of locktite to glue the screw into the magjoint and CA or E6000 to glue the carbon rod into the fitting. cut to size befor putting a second cap on (remember to measure with where the steel ball will be) spray mag joint with PTFE dry lubricant before running. KD310 joint is an M3 based system so will need an m3 socketed effector and carriage. advantage, you can unscrew or screw the brass parts in to the arm and captive screw, allowing easy tuning of the length of the effector rod to compesate for less than accurate rod cutting. I have calibrated this rod to with 10 micron of expected length.