Wanhao D6 BLTouch auto bed leveller mount

Wanhao D6 BLTouch auto bed leveller mount


This is just a remix of dot_bob's BLTouch mount. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2483813 I modified the screw mount area slightly to make clearance for the use of the screws that are supplied with the BLTouch sensor. I recommend putting a washer behind each mounting hole, between the extruder block and the 3D printed mount, just to make a little clearance so it will sit nice and flat. V1.0 is the original file V1.1 has the BLTouch moved out a little to make a bit more room for the connector (Use this one) V2.0 is as above, and also has the BLTouch moved 13mm closer to the print head for more accurate measurements. (Use this one if you have your hot end thermally insulated). If you are using the V2 bracket (V1 bracket should be roughly the same taking into account the differences in the description), here are the offsets from the nozzle. X = 18.5mm Y = -19.5mm Z = 2.6mm Z measurement might require some tweaking, but should get you close. I've supplied STEP and Rhino 3D (.3dm) files so you can remix and stuff if needed. Just be cool and credit me and dot_bob somehow. :)



