OpenForge 2.0 Wall Bases w/ Magnets 12.7mm width

OpenForge 2.0 Wall Bases w/ Magnets 12.7mm width


Work in progress... If you're like me, you like to grab different bits of scenery and adapt to your own system. I'm a huge fan of the OpenForge magnet system that clips where I need it also. I'm also liking Printable Scenery's Rampage wall systems — separate from the bases for full customization (but their clips can be limiting). I tend to use OpenForge mag with clip bases for terrain, and then use Printable Scenery elements. Most of their elements (including walls), I print at -6.2mm on the Z-axis, removing their included bases. These fit perfect with these bases. Hopefully this will be helpful for someone else. I don't care as much about the external appearance of bases, so these are two sided. These are designed at a width of 0.5" / 12.7mm, this has worked well for me so far. Props to mknower for designing the wider magnet design to use as a dividing wall between two bits of scenery. I slightly widened these for better fit with the Rampage system (again, at -6.2mm on the Z). As in mknower's design, do not expect the clips to "click". I'm still working on the best width there, but if a clip is necessary it will hold, and you can pick from which side. Cheers.



