Ender 3 PRO Octoprint Set up with Power and Light Control

Ender 3 PRO Octoprint Set up with Power and Light Control


**UPDATE: Removed a couple of inner walls on the box which should not have been there, and adjusted the lid to avoid the bed rollers. The design is tested and good to go. <hr> Remixed from giacomo30196's wonderful [Ender 3 Octoprint Set Up](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3063845) box. This version will fit an Ender 3 Pro and hold larger FC-65 high-amp relays and larger LM2596 voltage regulator with LCD display, in addition to the smaller form factor LM2596. The same XT60 connectors, fan, and screw sizes are used as in the original. However, I removed the tapering from the faceplate screw holes... just because that's my preference. Only one cooling fan and two relays are used in this box. But to accomplish power switching for the printer and lights you only really need two relays, and one fan should be sufficient for cooling. To make everything fit some tricky positioning had to be done. The Pi now sits on a raised bracket to provide clearance for the relays and wiring. There are spacers that sit between the Pi and it's bracket to provide clearance for soldered pins on the underside of the board, so you'll need to print four of those. Only the cap piece requires supports. Your welcome. *Components* DC 24v 30A relay module: https://www.amazon.com/KNACRO-SLA-24VDC-SL-C-Channel-optocoupler-isolation/dp/B077ZLC78L/ Raspberry Pi 3: https://www.amazon.com/ELEMENT-Element14-Raspberry-Pi-Motherboard/dp/B07BDR5PDW/ Voltage regulator (buck converter): https://www.amazon.com/DROK-180057-Converter-Step-down-Stabilizer/dp/B019RKVMKU/ref=sr_1_10 XT60 Plugs: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073QJWVVK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00 Cooling Fan: https://www.amazon.com/WINGONEER-Brushless-Cooling-Screws-Raspberry/dp/B01M16KDEG/ref=sr_1_18



