10X50 Binoculars photo adapter to iPhone 6 camera
I wanted an adapter for my iPhone 6 to take astronomy photos, as I don't have an expensive camera and a long lens. Decided to rope my WW2 Binoculars in for the job. 10x50 ausJENA (Carl Zeis) Found the idea from Steve5092 for this adapter. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2009859 Did the following changes to his design: 1) The adapter created vignetting due to the camera lens too far from the iris of the binocular lens. I changed the focal distance that it is touching the eyepiece as well as shorten the rings to bring the binocular closer. 2) Change the Cellphone holder to accommodate a screen cover thickness of my iPhone. the .5mm thickness made a difference in the phone thickness and did not fit. It fits an iPhone 6 3) The camera was swiveling, not properly supported and could drop out as it only had one ring. Had to fix it especially as I want to take photos pointing at the night sky. I added another ring to the adapter to clip onto the binoculars and stabilize the adapter. 4) Added a hole for the "other" binocular lens for focus. I have found this especially useful. I would use the "other" eyepiece not connected to the camera to focus optically to the target. Then go to the camera. If you only use the camera and try and focus the binoculars via the phone screen, the phone tries to compensate optically and you never get to the focus sweet spot. 5) I am also added the binocular stand and safety clip to attach the binocular to a tripod. See my previous and another post: The camera shake will make it impractical to use the contraption without a tripod configuration. Credit to Zalophus for the initial stand. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3294777 I added quick snaps showing the magnification one gets. I also included normal no Zoom iPhone photos for reference. I added a photo I took from the Pointers of the Sothern Cross. (Black Photo) just for fun https://teara.govt.nz/en/photograph/7905/the-southern-cross-and-pointers Enjoy.