10x20 Cable Chain - X Axis Anycubic I3 Mega

10x20 Cable Chain - X Axis Anycubic I3 Mega


Found easier to print the complete chain in one piece. The chain element is slightly modified vs the original - I have increased the clearances between the consecutive elements, because the printed samples (2x) had a real tight fit and I was afraid I put too much effort into the belt with a complete very tight chain. If used for Anycubic you get and four spares. Post print simply lift slightly the outer flanges both sides for each element and the chain becomes loose. The V3 model has built in supports defined between each two elements, that need to be pushed out of course. The complete installation for Anycubic I3 Mega: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2860786 EDIT 1: Second model (V2s) uploaded with reduced pins - might help to uncouple / couple the chain elements. The single chain element uploaded too. EDIT 2: -Third model (V3) uploaded that has built-in (easy removable) support structure added and reinforced side walls. Picture with support structure shown yellow added. -One interface bracket added, might be useful (and) to test how the AI3M hotend final connector (green) will pass through the chain. Should be 0.5mm clearance but the slicer settings and printing quality might decrease it.



