Mini Shredder

Mini Shredder


This is a miniature shredder used for whatever you may like. It's fairly small, about 12.5 cm in length and about 7.5 in width. The files included are the two axles, the handle, the gears, the main body, a shred-cog, a top and bottom body, and the fusion 360 file. The top and bottom bodies can be snapped together, so you can glue everything to the axle and then snap the body around it. If you prefer a whole body, that is in there as well. To print this thing, you need to print 12 of the shred-cogs, two of the gears, and one of everything else. I will post a video of it working and shredding something as soon as possible, I have to glue the cogs to the axle still.



