NANO 500 for Small Printers V1

NANO 500 for Small Printers V1


This design is based on and is very similar. The hull is much fairer/smoother but everything else is more or less the same. Unfortunately changes to the hull cause minor changes to all hull related parts; rig parts are unchanged. Consequently I have decided to start this new Thingiverse entry and update all stl's. The Onshape design can be found at: - Use right mouse + Alt to orbit and right mouse + Ctrl to pan. The original Onshape design will be deleted in due course. The Bow, Middle and Stern use single skins (defined by the stl's) and require a well setup printer and changes to the normal slicer setup. Everyone's setup will be different but as a guide I suggest (in order of importance) : - ---allow travelling through holes - to avoid the nozzle travelling over latest hull skin ---elevated temperature (approx +10C to +15C) - to improve layer adhesion ---increases retraction amount and coasting amount - to compensate for more fluid filament ---increased flow rate (approx + 3%) - to improve layer adhesion ---allow thin walls - check slicer preview ---z hop on travels if necessary ---reduced speed ---if everything else fails try another manufacturer's filament or filament type Most of the prints use 0.2mm layer height, the smaller parts (or threaded parts) use 0.1mm layer height and use 0.3mm for non critical parts. 3 shells and 15% infill are used throughout. There are some TPU parts and correct TPU settings will be required (very slow, NO retractions and significantly increased flow rate (+15%) to compensate for compression in the extruder) and 0.1mm layer height. From experience the top of the Stern print will distort slightly and this can be corrected using heat from a domestic iron or similar and a 'join cover' is included just in case. Some of the holes intended for M3 or M4 screws are sized to allow the screws to form their own thread but will benifit from tapping to get things started. MR105 bearings are used in goose-neck and pulley. The foremost mast hole is intended for Swing Rig and 6 Swing Rig related stl's are included. Note 'Swing Rig Join X' will require supports from bed. However at this point in time I do not intend to carry out any further Swing Rig development. 8/6/2019 Minor update to all hull related files. 11/6/2019 Stern updated. 14/6/2019 Middle updated. 23/6/2019 To better achieve design waterline bulb keel size/weight reduced (approx 5%) and moved back approx 10mm. Transom just touches water, bow slightly (2mm) under water. Middle updated. 25/6/2019 Bow and Stern updated, keel stiffener double width to help slicer produce better results. Servo Base updated. 28/6/2019 Bow, Middle and Stern printed to a reasonably good standard. Some pin holes but easy to fill. STL's thought to be good and printer/slicer setup now the deciding factor with regard to quality. Experimented with 'print outer shell first' and this may be an option to improve quality. 18/7/2019 Servo Drum Center updated - 6mm dia reduced to 5.5mm 26/7/2019 Servo Drum simplified - now 8mm dia to allow more turns on winch. Should be a tight fit on the servo, if not use glue. Servo Tray updated to suit new drum. 07/05/2020 Original winch servo no longer available. Any standard size 2 turn winch should be ok (e.g. and standard drum (effective 25mm dia) will suit.







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