Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Case for GeeekPi Cooler

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Case for GeeekPi Cooler


This is a case for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to fit with the Geeek Pi aluminium twin cooler. In addition it has a adpater system to mount it on an Anycubic Mega. #####My Requirements * The top part can be disassembled without tools * It fits perfectly with the cooling system * The status LEDs (power / wifi) lights are led out of the housing * The case can be mounted/dismounted to the Anycubic Mega printer without tools * The mounting system is modular so that additional adapters can be created for other printers ###Update Version 2: * All models cleaned and re-meshed * Clearance optimized (bottom / top) * Design slightly changed (rounded edges) ###LED Indicators The case has two holes that can be filled with 3mm glass fiber to optimally focus the LED status indicator ###Material List (german links) * Glass fiber cable: https://www.ebay.de/itm/Lichtleitfaser-1-m-Licht-wo-Sie-wollen-flexible-3-00mm-/361497249017?hash=item542aea44f9 * Geeek Pi cooler: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07GBV3D31/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title



