Cr10s  filament spool holder triple bearing

Cr10s filament spool holder triple bearing


Triple bearing turbo ultra-smooth filament spool holder!!! ADD A PiECE OF FOAM iNTO SPOOL THREAD (SEEN iN PiCTURE ) iN ONE OF 3 HOLES AND MAKE iT BREAK A LiTTLE JUST IN CASE OF FiLAMENT TANGLE One more important factor is to grease bearings so they wont be so much high speed more like steady nice flow. Its SMOOTH It SUPPORTS ALL SPOOL SIZES UP TO 2.3 KG + Materials : Breaings 2x 6002 bearing and 1x Rollerblade bearing L 150 mm - D 7mm Fully threaded rod ( you can get this rod from Anet A8 spool holder parts ) OR use longer rod and ad washers and bolts on each side if u want. Print details : Abs or Pla Infill 30%+ Layer H: 0.1- 0.2 Cheers!



