Swappable E3D v6 hot end
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Since Thingiverse was having performance issues and people are reporting getting 404 errors, I decided to place all my designs on my own website https://properprinting.pro/product-category/3d-print-files/ All files can be downloaded from there for free and all updates and new designs are placed on there too. I have created my own version of the E3D v6 hot end holder which fits the swappable hot end I have designed https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3547740 I must say, I really like this extruder so far! I did not create a part fan duct for it because I will use this for printing nylon which does not need this. The collar in which the hot end fits is a bit more than half a circle so in snaps into place. I have added a screenshot of the top view in which you can see that it is eccentric. I have added two versions: One for M3 brass inserts and one for regular M3 nuts. I haven't made the version with nuts so I didn't test this. Don't hesitate to leave a comment or contact me if you encounter any issues. I have not placed the hot end in the center of the tool to keep the tool center point similar to the stock hot end. There is some space on the left side which I have used to create a small gap which can be used for a tie wrap. This gap can be printed without support. Please consider buying me a coffee if you liked it or helped you :) http://ko-fi.com/properprinting/