Prusa i3 MK2 Parts STEP Files

Prusa i3 MK2 Parts STEP Files


This is an archive of all the 3D printable parts for the Prusa i3 MK2. I have converted all the scad files to STEP, and completely cleaned up and repaired each part. There were many errors in the geometry (due to scad's lackluster modelling capabilities), so they are all fixed ready to print as usual. The STEP files should make it much easier to customise any part you need. I hate working with stl files (equivalent to the pdf of the 3D world), I started with converting and fixing a few parts and got carried away, so now the whole set of parts is done. :) There are two versions of the X and Y motor mounts, one is normal, the other will accommodate stepper motor dampers if you want to make your printer quieter. I've supplied the original scad files along with STEP, stl and Rhino 3D (.3dm) files so you can remix and stuff if needed. Just be cool and credit me somehow but give the big up's to Prusa for making all this to start with. :)



