Wanhao MK10/D9 Heater Sock Mold

Wanhao MK10/D9 Heater Sock Mold


A simple mold for making a silicon heater sock. Print both pieces. I used ABS as first that doesn't need extra care however PLA need to be covered in (dish)soap before putting the paste in. Cover the sides with high temperature gasket silicon and then the insert firmly in and clean up the over flow. Ensure the top edges are covered as this is needed for the sock to stay on the heater block. My Permatex Ultra Copper gasket silicon suggested I needed leave for 24 hours to set but it needed more like 48 at ~20C and just over 24 hours in my dehydrator at 70C **VERSION 2** Now a 3 part mold as the gasket paste isn't as strong as a like so the sock now covers the entire side to help with rigidity.







3D Printing