Universal V-slot frame Z-brace mod - Tevo Tarantula Pro
<h1>Universal Z-brace mod - Tevo Tarantula Pro</h1> should fit almost any v-slot frame design (just pick a bracket version that fits your frame) ____________________________________________________________________ **<h3>Mod describtion :</h3>** - <p>this mod helps make the frame more rigid and eliminates any vibration that might occur in the Z v-slot extrusions</p> - <p>moving the printer around should not change Z-extrusions perpendicular allignment to the base frame when you have this mod installed</p> **<h3>Printing :</h3>** - 2x Z-brace_joint-bot + 2x Z-brace_joint-top - 2x Z-brace_bracket-v??-bot + 2x Z-brace_bracket-v??-top **(for Tarantula PRO use Z-brace_bracket-v2A and use "extended" for top)** - 0.3mm layer height should be ok - at least 3 perimeters (more perimeters = stronger 3D printed part) **<h3>Other parts needed :</h3>** - 2 x M8 threaded rod (415 mm +- 5mm) (if used on other printer you have to use distance that you measure for your frame) - 4 x M8 nut - 8 x M4 screw (<10 mm) - 8 x M4 T- nut - 4 x M4 screw (15-20 mm) - 4 x M4 lock-nut - 8 x M4 washer **<h3>UPDATES :</h3>** - I have added various bracket versions so that this mod can fit any v-slot extrusion frame design. If you need some other bracket design that I did not think of please leave a comment and I will add it. - I have adjusted the design slightly. Now there is double plate for joining on the joints 3d files and just one plate for joining on the brackets 3d files = more space for screw heads on the brackets - Added bracket v2A-extended for top, which should not limit Z height for printing (TT pro) **<h3>Other mods you might want :</h3>** - Y-tensioner mod - Tevo Tarantula Pro https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3694789 __________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------- [ **PLEASE consider supporting me</h2>** ] ---------------------------------- If you find my designs usefull consider leaving a like, comment, question, post your "make" and also consider leaving a tip : https://paypal.me/olejnak startup project (educational puzzle games) : https://lebomadved.sk/ Thank you ! :) __________________________________________________________