Blower cooler for aluminum Titan Aero assembly

Blower cooler for aluminum Titan Aero assembly


I bought an aluminum X carriage for the Titan Aero ( and needed a cooler mount for it so I designed my own. It's designed to be used with a 5015 blower style fan ( <b>NOTE:</b> This is designed to work with the E3D Slimline motor ( that is <b><u>only 25mm</b></u> in length. If you're using the compact but powerful motor this will not fit as that motor is 40mm long. It's designed to bolt together with 4 M3 heat-set inserts ( and two M4 heat-set inserts ( <b>**I HAVE NOT PRINTED THIS YET OR TESTED HOW WELL THE COOLER WORKS.</b> I plan on printing this sometime within the next week or so and hopefully I'll have my printer back up and running in a few weeks with a bunch of upgrades. Once I print and test it I'll update this page. <b>**THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS</b> until I get it printed and tested. The files might change in the coming weeks. If someone prints this before I have a chance to let me know if it works. Thanks! <b>6/13/19:</b> I've printed this but haven't gotten it mounted yet. Once I get it mounted I still have a bunch of setup to do on my printer before I can fully test it out. Printed in Gizmodorks Black PLA at 0.18mm layer heights with 15% infill. Raft and supports were used however supports are only needed for the "Duct Mount" file. I printed all three parts at once, took about 90 minutes. I added a picture of the printed parts.



