#organizedfusion Bee themed Desk organizer #fusion360challenge

#organizedfusion Bee themed Desk organizer #fusion360challenge


organizedfusion Bee themed Desk organizer fusion360challenge i designed a bee themed desktop organizer. The 3 little boxes can Move in and out of their slot (via additional groove) and store your little things like push pins, sd cards or usb drives. I have also included little groove to place shelf divider if you prefer division in your shelf life. the shelves also feature little capped sections on the hex cells so you can pull them out easier :) (modeled to resemble a stacked set of boxes in the langstroth style. Even includes little handles for heavy lifting :) The top compartment is your all purpose paper clip holder! I put little oversized indention that will easily hold 10mm x 2mm magnets.This would help keep your clips in place and not all over your desk :) I also added little cut outs of paper clips so you know what goes here. The side is a pen/pencil holder with added cut outs so it'll print faster and look cool! Bees are important in my life and need all the attention they can get. maybe even a cute yellow/ brown combo would make this even cuter. could easily be scaled up if you want to hold more pens or have the drawers even larger! Hope you enjoy. **printing notes*** due to varied print quality between FFF and SLA/SLS i desgned for tighter rather than looser. you will probably have to file down your parts post print anyhow so if something lifts or isnt square when you print just shave some off with a file. too tight is better than loosey goosey. and if you dont want dividers just snap off the little notch guides :) i tried to use flat surfaces on at least one side of each part that way itll stick and print well. print: 100% infill for strongest 3 x drawers, 3 x divider, & 1 x organizer parts for complete setup. magnets can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Magnets-120-PACK-Neodymium-Organization-Hanging/dp/B076Y3167K/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3D0KIAWQ07QOF&keywords=neodymium+disc+magnets&qid=1560283597&s=gateway&sprefix=Neodymium+dis%2Caps%2C298&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1






