Nintendo Switch Joy Con Carry Case
Hey Guys, I spent a TON of time developing these bad boys trying to find something I would actually use in the day to day. They fit the controllers right off the bed (printing a .4 nozzle with .2 layer height on a ender 3, 22% in-fill) I travel a ton for work, and throwing JoyCons in the backpack can be a dead console or controllers. I created these standalone cases so that I could keep my switch in a soft pack and my Controllers on their own, free in my bag. First version left a very small whole through the "Top" to draw a string through for a drawstring cinch system interfacing with the catch on the base. Would love comments about design recommendations. Also working on a "1 Case, 2 controllers" version. This is the first version, with limited side guards and material management. I am currently working on a version that addresses both of those comments. Tips would be greatly appreciated, most people would spend money on a controller whats 3$ instead.