Round cable holder RF100

Round cable holder RF100


After your flat cable broke, the spare part will be a round cable. It is better and it can handle more tension. Unfortunately, the RF100 v1 isn't invented for this cable at all. So this is why I developed this holder kit to solve this issue. You need to cut a thread into the holes of the Schelle (clamp) to tight this to the Kabelhalter Ext hinten (cable holder extruder backside). Mount both holders on the threads of the extruder and glue the support part to enhence them. The support is necessary because there's a gap between these holders. Put the round cable into it and fix it. That's it. Kabelhalter X-Achse (round cable holder x-axis) exists to mount the cable to the x-axis. In case of any trouble or wishes gimme a comment, i'll try to solve it. If you like it, I'd be happy to receive a donation from you.



