Fan dampers / Screw holes protection

Fan dampers / Screw holes protection


As I've tested several of duct / fang models, I've mount / unmount my fans a lot of time... and because I'm lazy, I'm using an electric screw-gun... So, I've damaged a bit one of my fan fixation holes and decided to print a small piece to protect it (and the others) from bigger hurts. In the same time, I've made a quick and small damper for them, just in case vibrations increase their noises, or make fixation screws of the fang support will come loose. This is definitively not essential parts, nor something difficult to design by yourself, but I share them for people who need them. **How to use:** 1. Put the biggest piece of the "flexible-parts.stl" file between your fang / duct and the fan. 2. Put the piece of the "rigid-part.stl" file over the fan. 3. Put the 4 smallest pieces of the "flexible-parts.stl" file in its holes. 4. Use your screws to fix the fan. I suppose you can print them all with classic filament, but I personally use flexible for the major part. STL files for both material are separated. **Note:** If you want the source CAD file, you can get it in [my fang]( (FreeCAD FCStd file).



