Rainbow 6 - Dokkaebi

Rainbow 6 - Dokkaebi


So this has been the most challenging 3d print I've done so far. I couldn't find an existing printable model for Dokkaebi anywhere on the internet so I had to adapt one from Source Filmmaker. The source model and all of the people responsible for that masterpiece [can be found here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1265087373) Fortunately, the model was already rigged so despite my complete lack of knowledge of how to use Blender, I was able to pose the model similarly to her operator picture in Siege. However, the model I ended up with was riddled bits and pieces that look great in video games but can't exist in real life. So, after several failed prints and 3 days of trying to make solids out of nothing, figuring out how to smooth meshes, crying in the bathroom, etc. I managed to make it work mostly and here's what we've got. The base she's standing on isn't a part of this stl, it was just some rock formation I found somewhere on Thingiverse. So you'll need to add something for her to stand on if you want to print this. And if there are any Blender gurus out there who are interested in making her face look more like [the picture](https://ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net/resource/en-us/game/rainbow6/siege/r6-operator-dokkaebi_307132.png), let me know and I'll drop a link to the blender file.







3D Printing