M3D Crane Quad top mount for 40mm fan.
Note: I have uploaded a version 2 of this model. The new one sits closer to the top of the extruder body but is also narrower to provide better clearance at the filament input ports. I have enlarged the holes for the M3 screws that hold the fan and did not have to chase these with a drill bit on the new version. It seems to me that the small motors run hot on the Quad head. This is an effort to control the excess heat. Print in PETG as it is in direct contact with the part of the head it is trying to cool. Noctua 40mm fan used on this modification. https://noctua.at/en/products/fan/nf-a4x10-5v This fan mount fits into a pair of what appear to be accessory rail connectors on the quad head. I had to cut the color indicator decal out of the way but that was just two small slots in the sticker. I should note that it sits tight against the motor cables that feed the back two motors (1& 2). I also had to chase the screw holes with a 7/64 bit to fit M3 screws. Several people have asked how to wire the fan. The quick and simple solution is to soldier splice the fan parallel to the cooling fan on the back side of the extruder. A more elaborate solution is to source the 2-pin 2.54mm fan connectors and pins and use a crimping tool to fabricate Y connector cables. These 2 pin connectors M3D used are nearly identical to the 3 pin connectors that are commonly used on computer fans but much more difficult to source. I am fairly certain they are KF2510 connectors. Another option worth consideration is to swap out all of the connectors for the much more common 3 pin variation. Please post comments on any issues or suggestions with the model.