


This is a swiveling mount for an eye Dropper made for the Endurance 10W+ Laser. It mounts to the heatsink. The provided air assist uses a tiny PVC hose and even tinier copper tube to provide air for the Laser. This uses 1/4" PVC Tubing and a Glass or Plastic eye dropper which increases the air flow, and only constricts the air at the very end of the eye dropper, providing a Venturi velocity increase at the tip. You'll need to custom modify a screw as the slot for an M4 screw to connect it to the laser needed to be turned down on a lathe before allowing the ball to fit in the socket. You'll also need to sand or file the 7mm hole a bit to get the eye dropper to fit. There is a screw hole provided to secure it but it fits so nicely I didn't need a retainer screw. You'll have to heat the PVC tubing a bit to get it over the eye dropper back end. Although I have not used it yet, it does allow more air at a higher velocity to hit the laser burn point. Done in Tinkercad using the Connector parts and modified. I love Tinkercad! This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online







3D Printing