Raspberry Pi Zero W P4wnP1 case w/ battery

Raspberry Pi Zero W P4wnP1 case w/ battery


Cool little case for Raspberry Pi zero W with 500mA battery and charger. With built in battery this becomes a powerful pocket sized pen testing tool. Got 2 hours 40 minutes out of the battery with airodump-ng running. In idle it will probably last longer Parts: I used random parts i had laying around, i have tried to document as much as i can with pictures. The micro usb charging port is just cut out from a random pcb You have to add a little capacitor to the charger output, if not, the Pi will make a bad noise. I used 100uf and it worked fine for me Most of the parts like the charger is form ebay and is only 3-4 USD + battery Enjoy PS You will need to cut of a very tiny piece form one of the standoffs on the top part, it comes in conflict with the camera connector






