Simple top spool setup for your Kossel

Simple top spool setup for your Kossel


A simple but effective top-setup for your Kossel. A relative simple way to narrow the footprint of your Kossel. I am using it for two months now and really like it. <b>Needed parts </b>: -Spoolholder -extension-cable for your E-motor (min. 1 meter) <b>Mounting E motor at top frame:</b> You can use the stock mounting plate. Rotate the extruder as and if necessary (the stock extruder is really simple to (dis)assemble). Mind the cable position of the motor. Mount the motor as far to the side as possible, your bowden-tube has more room that way. <b>Extension-cable E-motor:</b> Depending on where the motor and the main- board are placed you need a cable of at least 1 meter. 1.5 meters is a more comfortable length. You can hide the cable in the nearest tower/vertical frame ( is ideal for this). <b>Spoolholder:</b> The enclosed spoolholder is designed for this setup. The angle and length is adjusted so that the filament does not touch the frame. The spoolholder is easy to remove and adjust (when not mounted with a M4 bolt and T-nut). There is also a flipped version if you want the setup at the right side of the frame. A double setup is also possible with both types of spoolholders. The width of the bed is 95mm, so every 1-kg spool will fit. <b>Bowden tube:</b> It works with the stock bowden tube. Minimum length for AC-Kossel LP (coupler to coupler) is about 60 cm. I am using 65 cm which is a little long. If you are not sure start with 70 cm. <b>Optional offset-plate for E-motor.</b> You don't need this part if you are using the included spoolholder. If you are using a different one, the filament can touch the frame, and this plate can be a solution for that. Also it is a little more (not very much) comfortable for changing the filament if the extruder has a little offset of the frame. You can use the included one (offset 20 mm) or create your own one with There is one included for M4-inserts and one for M4- bolts and nuts. <b>Pros:</b> - Much smaller footprint - Easier filament change - The spoolholder is (re-)useable for other kind of printers and setups. <b>Cons:</b> - Total setup is higher (with spool around 1 meter) - Bowden tube sticks out more without further adjustments Happy Top-spooling :)



