MINI OMNIWHEEL TRAK (Poor Man's DJI RoboMaster V2)

MINI OMNIWHEEL TRAK (Poor Man's DJI RoboMaster V2)

Description So i ditched the mecanum wheel design as it wasnt easy to recreate with simple hardware. Omniwheel design is much easier to create and functions easier. I remixed these wheels ( to use them directly on 9g sevro's (i glued them on). I edited the rollers to use pieces of foam (Nerf bullets) for slightly better grip. I attached the rollers to the hub with qTips! u can use any other 3mm rods. I used PLA on everything. If u want to print the rollers in TPU u can also use the original rollers (ROLLER NORMAL). Instead of screwing the servo's in i hotglued them. I temporary added my Looming terror ( on top with a regular pan tilt bracket. This build was frustrating as my mini rx crapped out a couple of times and i fixed and reglued everything. After that my voltage booster borked. So it doesnt look as clean as it was before.







3D Printing