Two Part Rocket
This two part rocket is great for many applications, from desktop ornament to portable storage device, or my personal favourite, an awesome light-up model! The rocket boasts an impressive amount of internal storage space, with easy to remove separable halves. The model is not limited by its given scale and printing at smaller scales presents the chance to hot glue an old USB stick inside the rocket and transform your once bland storage device into an aerospaced themed USB. Upscaling the model is also possible and the images shown of the printed model were scaled to 1.5 (150%) and allows for a great desktop ornament that will force even the most strong willed of passer-by to pick it up and inspect. As mentioned, the rocket presents the opportunity to create a light-up model, highlighting the 3D printing process by placing an LED and battery inside the model. With low infill amounts (~10%-15% max) and a maximum of 2 perimeter layers, the LED will light up the infill pattern onto the outer surface of the rocket. I do suggest lighter filament colours for the light-up model.