Prusa MMU1.0 PTFE Tube Adapter - 4-7.4mm
THIS IS A COMBINATION WITH THIS THING HERE: Prusa mk2 MMU1.0 angled Motor Holder - i'm feeding my stepper motors from the side of my enclosure with some 6mm PTFE Tubes. so i designed an adapter to attach the PTFE Tubes to the stepper motor holders. i had to learn it the hard way: if you're using the standard 4mm PTFE tubes, the inner resistance gets too high and your printer quality gets worse. so i ordered 6mm tubes with 4mm inner diameter. that way even with a few step curves the filament has enough play. to attach the tubes even better i added a small silicone tube between. this resulted in the final 7.4mm version. you may could achieve this my adding some tape between printed with: 4 perimeters 5% infill