Skelestruder Mosquito
UPDATE 6/17/2019: I forgot to mention, you will need to use for the other parts not included with this remix, as well as instructions for printing and assembling the extruder. The only difference with assembly is that you will no longer have the E3D v6 nor CageS that normally shielded the bottom of the E3D v6. Hey everyone! This is still in beta and I haven't printed much with it, but I have printed some. This is JLTX's awesome design with the Cage B, F, and shroud modified to fit the Mosquito hotend, everything else remained the same. My goal was to keep the tip of the extruder nozzle at the same height as the E3D v6 version, so that should be roughly the same. To keep the hotend from rotating, I narrowed up the fan shroud hole and exit corner so that the Mosquito fits into a groove on both sides. This also means that the air will hit a little less of the heatsink's extremities, but I have no idea if that will affect it much or not (I also did this as I was hoping it would help disrupt the airflow less ...not sure how the airflow is affect when it's slamming into the perpendicular face of the heatsink.) There are two different types of mounts, either the full printable version or a spacer that's used when you use the Printed Solid adapter for the Mosquito. Print whichever you need. I'm hoping I got the STL files to orient correct for printing (I always seem to fail at that), but if I didn't just flip it to the printable side. I'll go through and try to correct any that are wrong. For printing, I used Chris's Pretty PETG V3 profile but with 3 perimeters, 20% gyroid infill, and 5 layers for top/bottom.