Ender 3 Auto Shutdown after print system

Ender 3 Auto Shutdown after print system


![HEADER](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/327551603752042498/596794887844790431/HEADER.png "HEADER") ___________________________________ Ender 3 auto shutdown system. ===================== ______________________________________________ [![Discord](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/620597969661460500/620598015496814602/DISCORD.png)](https://discord.gg/nHr7RV5) __________________________________________ [![ROSA](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/327551603752042498/596806686136598528/ROSA_BUY_BUTTON.png)](http://bit.ly/2LMBt19) [Polish shop here.](http://bit.ly/2Xu2uIA) __________________________________________ [![3D_PRINTSLAV](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/327551603752042498/596804802428796938/SLAV_LOGO_FANPAGE.png)](https://www.facebook.com/3DPrintSlav) ____________________________________ [![DONATE](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/327551603752042498/596804208183738368/donate.png "DONATE")](https://paypal.me/BlackHideki) ______________________________________________________________ Slav, simple, green, ecological device that not only will save you money but also reduce noise. A mechanism that will turn off your printer after its done printing, fully mechanical and does not require any electronics. https://youtu.be/0-o-3lHRekE Instruction ________________ 1. Print all necessary parts in their original orientation, except lever which have to be oriented manually. -power housing is not needed, you can print it or mod your existing one 2. use 3mm skewer/piece of 3mm filament/3mm thick screw etc. to afix lever to a pivot part. Make sure both pieces are moving freely. 3. Snap handle onto a hotend carriage on the part thats between wheel rollers and mounting plate. It should pop in place. It might need slight sanding to fit snugly. If its not a snug fit use a handle clamp with 3m screw to secure it better. 4. Disconect printer from mains, turn it off and take power supply off the machine. Be carefull you are going to work with wires that are carrying mains voltage. You dont want to mess anything up. 5. a) Take your existing power cover and swap it with 3d printer one ensuring all cables are connected in EXACTLY the same place. Then screw pivot part to its place with 4 screws M3 x 10mm b) Use a dab of superglue to temporarly fix a pivot part into a original housing and position it where it should be, then test if pulling the lever up is easily turning the power supply off, if so then drill holes for mounting and mount pivot part with at least 2 screws. 7. Assemble whole printer back together. 6. Tie a string to lever mounted on power supply and to a handle part mounted on hotend carriage. Lenght of the cable will decide how much the priter will need to go in order to trip the power switch. Make sure that string is not elastic and is strong and well secured and also that there is nothing that could obstruct its path and snag on it. 7. Turn the printer on, home z, and then start moving z axis up slowly and then check at which height its tripping the printer off. make sure its no more than 245mm and then add 5 mm to the number you have tuned your power switch to. 8. Add this GCODE at the end of yours in the slicer, replace Z240 with Zxxx where xxx is your height+5mm. Also you can change the temp of a hotend, IO dont reccomend go higher than 80, otherwise hotend can crash into a print after the printer looses power and melt it, or clog the hotend. M109 R 40 ;Cooling hotend to 40 degrees G90 ;Absolute Positioning G1 Z240 ;Goes up to Z 240 to turn off machine. Then you are good to go. I know there is problem with accesing power buttin to turn it on, for the moment you can simply use a skewer or something to push it. Done.



