Omicron type sample holder box for 6 samples

Omicron type sample holder box for 6 samples


Omicron-type sample holder is one of sample holder standards for scientific applications. It is basically a unified shaped plain metal (usually) plate of 21x18x1 mm in size. It may be put inside a sample preparation (sputtering, e-beam evaporation, molecular beam epitaxy, etc setups) or investigation (electron microscopes, ARPES, etc) machine, often under vacuum. The presented thing is a slot for this kind of sample holders, which secures the sample surface and fixes it in space for storing and transportation. Max. sample height is 7 mm. Up to 6 of these slots are put together inside a larger box. There are two slot models. One is harder to insert a sample. Before usage one should push a dummy sample holder inside (closer to the back side) and tilt/push with some force sideways to shape the "nest". Afterwards samples are fixed inside nicely. I printed mine in PETG and after a minute this worked fine. A loosen version is not tested yet and may be modified later. ATTENTION: 1. The plastics you use MAY NOT be suitable for contacting with UHV components. Any residuals of plastics/organics on the corners of the sample holder may spoil the sample or pollute UHV components, especially when heated! Be aware of stringing and small imperfections on the surface, which may detach and land at your sample. 2. This models were not tested under vacuum. If you want to store this box in an excicator, test it yourself. Air trapped in the parts may slowly leak and spoil vacuum conditions. Also, when not printed with 100% infill, some parts may crack and leak air. 3. Some plastics may contain organic components, strongly degasing under vacuum or even in the atmosphere.



