Prusa / Ikea Lack Enclosure PSU Wire Length Solution for i3 MK3
I love the design of the Prusa / Ikea Lack enclosure. But after building it, I realized that the wires running from the PSU to the printer were shorter than ideal for this application. At least this was the case for my Original Prusa i3 MK3. Noticing that the wires exited from the "back" of the PSU and then had to wrap back around to the "front" (the side with the power switch), I figured we could gain a couple of inches of usable length if the wires simply exited from the front. So I produced a modified version of the original PSU cover, moving the cable hole to the front (and extending the height by 8.5mm). Additionally, to further minimize the travel path of the wires, I modified the appropriate enclosure bottom corner, moving the passthrough from the outside to the inside. This works with the existing mating cone after rotating the cone 180 degrees. Note that because the of the increased height of PSU, the bottom PSU holder will have to be lowered slightly. Overall, it's a pretty straight forward swap. The only advice I would give is to be careful not to over-tug on things when swapping out the PSU housing. To give the power entry connector (the part that you plug the power cable into) enough mobility to extend over the new housing and into it's slot, I cut the zip tie that was providing strain relief to the black and white cable. If you need to do the same, just BE SURE TO REPLACE IT with a new ziptie when you are done. Lastly, I printed everything without supports. There is one 90deg overhang on the PSU housing that had some sagging, but it looks like the original Prusa part had this as well and it didn't/doesn't affect fit. I hope this helps solve the wire length issue and allows more people to enjoy what really is an excellently designed enclosure!