Beta75x / Mobula7 HD canopy for caddx turtle v2

Beta75x / Mobula7 HD canopy for caddx turtle v2


Remixed to fit the Caddx turtle v2 into the canopy. I use it for Mobula7HD, as it's design was horrible and in the original the propellers hit the back of the sensor. BTW, if you replaced the sensor, make sure the coaxial cable socket is at the bottom of the sensor part (not as it is in the picture - i had to take it apart again, as obviously the screen was on a side). To put it together: 0. put screws that hold the canopy through the holes, i used the screws from Beta75x as their head is wider, but the mobula's should be fine - as long as your print is clean 1. put the camera in the upper part, screw it, you can tilt it, but you need to use some force 2. connect the coaxial cable to the main board 3. 'mold' the cables so they fit nicely 4. spread the canopy and slide the main board in the upper compartment, so the SD card is at the right place - check out the pictures 5. connect the board to vtx (if you have a beta75x you will need a JST SH 1mm 3 pin socket for that as the original antenna is soldered onto the board - i didn't do it, so i'm afraid it might be too tall if you solder the socket through the holes) 6. screw the canopy to the frame The canopy weights about 6 grams. Printed in TPU 0.1 mm height. I used no supports, but one layer of raft to keep it on the bed. I usually get a lot of excess plastic, which i clean with wire cutters. Mobula's frame is very tight for the gemfan propellers I use, so up to you, but you might want to cut off some of the back/front side of the canopy (less protection from cut grass, but the props wont hit the canopy). This actually makes me think, it would be better to pull the walls closer to the inside on the bottom, as it's rather hollow anyhow. I definitely recommend flying a 3s battery with it if you want good control over the quad, but for cinematic takes a 2s should suffice. You will just need to keep the throttle at 50% most of the time and not drop it too low.







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