Robot arm control box
I wanted to control my eezybot arm with some potentiometers I found on a scrap soundboard, without having to mount the pots. I just soldered wires to the pots, ran the wires through the channel I designed and the whole thing tapes onto whatever surface I plan to mount this onto. I have tested the parts, but you NEED to sand the arm round sides a bit for smoothness. Also, I made this in Sketchup so some modeling errors are there (I fixed some after I printed mine). If you see anything, let me know but I probably wont revisit this make. I hope you can use it for something! Assembly: Glue top to bottom, sand edges of arms. Drop arms through front face and body, they can poke out the back enough to insert the pot shafts into the arm holes. Place pots into arm holes, glue or screw into place (I designed a hole to place an m5 setscrew into, but there may be issues trying to get the hole drilled out cleanly- glue only AFTER you find center position of pots, if you do use glue). slide arm/pot into box from the BACK of the box. hotglue pot into place (optional) and double side tape it down (also optional). OK to share OK to remix - make it better, please! NOT OK to claim as your own. Just throw me props on your remix and I will be happy. Happy making!