Necron Ghost and Doom's Day Ark Base

Necron Ghost and Doom's Day Ark Base


This project was inspired by the Necron Ghost Ark Fly Base by YTYtheThinker. I find the original concept too massive and needed more stability (the front of the Ark was leaning to the ground) and also an attach to the ark (The ark was just set on the support and needed to be moved separatly each time the ark had to move). The base is compatible with the Gost Ark and the Doom's Day Ark. (my arks are magnetized so i find it important to be able to support both models) It's 'attached' to the model so you can move your ark without worrying about the base. The Arks are perfectily stable on the base (no leaning). The dimentions match the official GW one in heigt and the base is 60mm.



