Satellite Adjustment Tools

Satellite Adjustment Tools


This project came to me because i didn't want to pay and Satellite Company $150 to install a dish for me. so i went to the local Harbor Freight and purchased a Digital Angle Gauge. Once got that i had to come up with a way to adjust the Dish. So this project is for those people who have or use the Large Satellite Dishes. Once i added the printed items i was able to zero in on the satellite and get over 75% signal strength. The Satellite Level Adjuster goes on the Mast Elevation Arm. Once you get the Elevation with your Angle Gauge use the extended platform and Place your compass on the Level Adjuster and turn the dish in the correct Azimuth. Once that is done place the Sat-Rec-Mount on the LNBF and Skew it to correct Skew. I taped on a piece of metal on the Sat-Rec-Mount so the Angle Gauge will stick to it.



