Skele7on "Toothpick" frame for 20x20 FCs

Skele7on "Toothpick" frame for 20x20 FCs


Here is my Skele7on frame designed for 20x20 stacks an AIO camera and 110X motors. Generally I prefer building using a 16x16 stack ( or an AIO board ( for lightweight - but I had a spare 20x20 lying around and I was surprised how well it worked! On 3S this thing SCREAMS. This currently takes a max prop of 65mm or 2.5". If someone wants 3" do shout. Its really optimized for the frame and bottom cover to be printed in PC. If anyone would like to print in ABS or nylon etc leave a comment and I will make a slightly sturdier version. Print the Camera mount with 2 walls in TPU 0% infill to keep it nice and light. Print the stack "hangers" in TPU too. connect the stack to the frame by using the hangers at the top of the stack. The stack is then screwed to the frame with 4 short M2 screws. I use aluminium screws to keep the weight down. Hopefully this is clear in the picture. My other Skele7on frame designed for AIO FCs can be found here:







R/C Vehicles
