Kindergarten Name Stencil

Kindergarten Name Stencil


I've been teaching kindergarten for 20 years. Every so often, I come across a student that has difficulty writing their own name. This is a simple stencil designed to help kids learn to print their own names. For more ideas on printing for kids please take a look at my blog @ I fiddled with the finished print. I cleaned it up with a knife and sanded it. Smoother stencils are easier to use. I also recommend the current size font--It's easier for kids to use. This is a work in progress. It currently does not attach the inside part of letters. Nonetheless, students will be able to use this template to practice printing. I have not tried this as a laser cut, but this might produce a smoother and easier to use stencil... If you don't have a printer, then you can order your stencil by following these steps: The steps are simple: 1. Click "Open in Customizer" 2. Enter your name. 3. Click on Please tweak parameters. 4. Change the width and tallness as you see fit 5. Click “create thing” button. 6. Click “create thing” again. 7. Click go to my queue. 8. Find your thing and click on it. 9. Click order thing and choose a company 10. Follow instructions for ordering






