Anet A6 X-axis belt tensioner
With this upgrade the X-axis belt can be tensioned with a wingnut that improves the print accuracy. Adjusting rings on the rods are used to give resistance against the tension force. Otherwise the Z-axis shafts and lead screws will be bent and this movement affected. The motor is better secured with the motor brace, belt sleeves lock the belt ends and the belt position clips keep the belt aligned. An existing hole is used for the tensioner bolt. The original Anet pulley made out of two pieces can be reused, however I now use a solid one. Two variants are added for the belt sleeve: -The "Belt_sleeve_Anet_belt" is suitable for the with steel reinforced belt that came with the printer. -The "Belt_sleeve_flexible_belt" is suitable for a with fiberglass reinforced belt that is a bit thinner. I can recommend such belt because it makes the printer works smoother. Part list: -4x adjusting ring 8mm Fasteners that already came (extra) with the Anet printer: -2x bolt M3x18 (for the motor brace) -1x countersunk bolt M3x25 -1x M3 nut -1x wingnut M3 The origional fasteners that mounts the support plate and pulley can be reused. Adjusting rings: Flexible belt: Pulley: Order the pulley "without teeth 16T 3B" because this one has bigger, more robust bearings inside than the pulley with teeth. All parts were printed with a 0.2 layer height setting and PETG filament. Use a wall thickness of at least 2.5mm for the belt tension guide to make it strong enough.