Snag-Protector Insert for Spannerhands Spool System MK6 Drybox

Snag-Protector Insert for Spannerhands Spool System MK6 Drybox


### Attention: I no longer recommend building and using these dryboxes. They are kind of a pain with little benefit. See my build below for an explanation. ---------- ### My complete Spannerhands MK6 System build: This insert attaches to the inside of the door on the Spannerhands MK6 Drybox. It prevents the spool from snagging on the inward pointing bolts. EDIT: I just had a snag on the other side too, so this is no longer just for the door. I now recommend printing one for the door side, and one mirrored one for the main body inside. Just mirror it in your slicer. The Acryllic I used to make my Spannerhands boxes was 2.8mm thick, making the bolts stick out a bit. This caused a couple failed prints because my spools would catch on the M3 bolts on the door. Since it would be difficult to add a washer to the axle on the door-side, I figured I'd just prevent those bolts from snagging directly. To use the completed print, just undo the relevant bolts from your door-window, and re-attach the bolts through the printed part. Ideally, there should not be any bolts sticking out that are long enough to snag on. If it's not thick enough, you can probably just scale the thickness up a bit using your slicer. I have included the Fusion360 file, meaning that if you run into any trouble with my solution and don't want to ask for help, you should be able to fix it up!



