MP Mini Delta Endstop Calibration Block

MP Mini Delta Endstop Calibration Block


This design is a tool used to calibrate the optical endstop sensor locations on a Monoprice Mini Delta printer. This design is for those who need to replace an endstop sensor, or who are having issues achieving a level first layer on their prints. If you are using this tool to solve leveling issues, I recommend first following the leveling recommendations on the wiki page before attempting, as the use of this tool requires an moderately extensive teardown of your 3D printer that could lead to other issues if not reassembled correctly. Disassembly may also void your warranty. I also recommend the installation of a glass or mirrored bed plate to take full advantage of your leveled endstop sensors. After using this tool, I was able to print directly on a mirrored glass surface without the use of adhesives or rafts. ********** Use instructions: ********** 1. For best accuracy, print the design using a raft to compensate for print bed leveling issues. Print one copy of this calibration tool and use it to level all three endstop sensors. 2. Unplug your printer from the power supply. 3. Carefully move the print head down until it touching or almost touching the build surface. 3. Locate the top plate of the printer that the plastic handle is attached to. Remove the 6 screws from around the edges of this plate and set aside. 4. Start with the right front tower. On the top of the tower there is a plastic cap with 5 screws. First remove the hex screw using an appropriately sized hex wrench. This screw provides tensions to the belt, which will fall when the screw is removed. 5. Remove the other screws from around the tower cap and gently pull up on the cap to remove. This may be difficult as there are two metal rods that are press fit into this cap. I would recommend leaving the metal rods in the printer. If they pull out from the bottom of the printer when removing the cap, just gently press them back into place. 6. Using a screwdriver, loosen the two screws holding the endstop sensor in place. Be careful not to back the screws out completely as the nut they screw into will slide down into the depths of the printer. 7. This is the most difficult endstop sensor to level, as wiring runs up this tower and is held behind a black plastic cover. Line up the endstop calibration tool and gently press down into place. Take care to move any wiring out of the way. It may help to take a picture of the wiring placement so you can be sure to position it correctly when reassembling. 8. With the calibration tool in place, use the four screws from the tower cap to attached the calibration tool firmly to the top of the tower. 9. Slide the endstop sensor up so that it contacts the calibration tool. Hold firmly and tighten the endstop sensor screws. Make sure that the black plastic cover is not binding on the endstop sensor, as this will cause the plastic cover to bow out and interfere with printer operation. 10. Remove the screws from the calibration tool, and gently but firmly pull up on the tool to remove it from the tower. Position all wiring correctly, and reinstall all hardware.When reinstalling the belt tensioner, be sure that the belt is in the correct position around the gear at the bottom of the printer. 11. Repeat these steps on the other two towers. It is crucial to use the same calibration print on all three printer towers. When finished, tension the printer belts using a music tuner or app. From what I've read, it recommended to tune them to A2.



